Friday, March 29, 2013

Sorting Out the Mariners Pitching

This is all sort of late and whatever, but this is a second blog post in two days. I’m taking baby steps here. Soon, you might even get some new, original, up-to-date and interesting content. I really shouldn’t get your hopes up though, that was dumb of me. Anyway, since I am lazy and would rather spend tomorrow looking at the GJMBSP (Giant Jumbled Mess of Big Strong Players) that is our offense right now I will be looking at our pitching situation.
Yeah Hisashi, I'm already predicting your stats, don't suck please
Felix Hernandez
Hisashi Iwakuma
Joe Saunders
Brandon Maurer
Blake Beavan

I already discussed the last three yesterday and can sum up that discussion in a few words. I love Brandon Maurer’s beard. Joe Saunders is in the running to be this year’s Kevin Millwood. Blake Beavan is still Blake Beavan. Now we move onto Felix and Hisashi Iwakuma.
I had the pleasure of watching Iwakuma face the Chicago Cubs yesterday and despite their regulars only getting one at-bat before the scrubs showed up, Iwakuma did fine. He is weirdly consistent in that he will strike out a few guys, walk a few guys and give up a home run. I am really tempted to project his stats this year in the 15-10 with a 3.58 ERA and a HR/9 of about .80. That’s right, its been published on the internet, I am totally accountable for those projections. And I guess I’ll stand by it, whatever, he is Hisashi Iwakuma. Despite suffering from dry skin issues yesterday, I am totally serious too, he looked like the boring, consistent and not sexy pitcher I remember. That is absolutely a good thing. We need all the consistency we can get with Saunders, Beavan and Maurer behind him.
Instead of discussing how awesome Felix Hernandez is, I will leave you with a slideshow of awesome pictures of Felix pitching and doing other things. You’re welcome.

Pensive Felix

Excited Felix

Peek-a-boo Felix

Flexible Felix
Carter Capps
Stephen Pryor
Tom Wilhelmsen
Kameron Loe
Oliver Perez
Lucas Luetge
Charlie Furbush

This is the exact same bullpen as last year, except Josh Kinney grew like a foot and totally changed his appearance, pitching mechanics, and name. I automatically like Kameron Loe because he is tall, but he offers similar results to Kinney. Whereas Kinney used off-speed stuff ad nauseum, Loe uses his fastball and steep angle of release to get a bunch of groundballs. He can also pitch a few innings and will play the “long-relief” role along with Charlie Furbush. Lucas Luetge’s hair is looking super awesome, for everyone who cares. WHICH SHOULD BE EVERYONE! He has since gotten his hair trimmed. Because his wife wanted him too. I am not pleased with you Mrs. Luetge. Wilhelmsen has not looked good so far, but I don’t really care because Spring Training stats really mean nothing. I saw Carter Capps pitch against the Cubs scrubs yesterday and he looks like the real deal. He could very easily threaten for the closer role this year and definitely next year. His fastball looked as awesome as ever and he has a lot more confidence in his slider than last year. I’m excited to watch him this year. Stephen Pryor is still throwing gas, as was expected and Charlie Furbush is still classic Charlie "Whirling Dervish" Furbush.

This pitching staff will not be as good as it was last year. Saunders, despite having almost identical stats to Vargas, is on the wrong side of 30 but should be around league average, depending on how much the fence changes affect fly balls. Felix is Felix. Hisashi is Hisashi. Beavan is still a ham sandwich. The real wild card is Brandon Maurer, who hasn’t pitched above AA before. Remember last time the M’s broke camp with a guy who hadn’t pitched above AA before? He didn’t give up an earned run until June 19th. He was also Lucas Luetge, a lefty specialist, but whatever. If Maurer can’t hang with the major league hitters, Erasmo Ramirez is waiting in Tacoma. But I think Maurer will surprise people and potentially go Erasmo all over everyone (I think Erasmo-ing is totally catching on). This rotation is solid, but the GJMBSP will have to hit to carry this team to a winning record. 

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